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User Authentication and Authorization

Harshit Dubey
2024-05-05 23:45:41
Certainly! Let’s delve into the vital mechanisms of Authentication and Authorization. These two concepts play a crucial role in securing computer systems, applications, and data. I’ll provide an overview of each, and you can explore further by watching the animation videos created by talented creators.Authentication:What is it? Authentication verifies the identity of a user or system trying to access resources. It answers the question, “Who are you?”Methods:Passwords: The most common method where users provide a secret passphrase.Biometrics: Using unique physical characteristics like fingerprints, retina scans, or facial recognition.Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Combining multiple authentication factors (e.g., password + SMS code) for enhanced security.Importance:Ensures that only authorized users or systems can access sensitive information.Reduces the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.Helps maintain accountability for activities within a system.Authorization:What is it? Authorization determines what actions an authenticated user or system is allowed to perform. It answers the question, “What are you allowed to do?”Mechanisms:Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Assigns permissions based on predefined roles (e.g., admin, user, manager).Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC): Considers various attributes (e.g., user attributes, resource attributes) to make access decisions.Access Control Lists (ACL): Lists of permissions associated with specific resources.Example:Imagine a high-security vault in a bank:Authentication: Verifies the identity of a person trying to access the vault (e.g., keycard + fingerprint scan).Authorization: Determines what the authenticated user can do inside the vault (e.g., different sections with varying permissions based on roles).

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