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Grab your tape measure and let's go measure some big, hard bars!

T W_zaqx
2024-09-17 00:24:58
Kick back and enjoy my inspection video. I've just memorised the important things, so I don't have to resubmit and you don't have to watch hours of somebody's boring site. You're welcome.First up, the reo. Is there enough metal on plastic things to satisfy the engineer?Now I check the plumber has thrown some waterproof membrane around the tripping hazards he's laid out. I'm also checking the sparkies haven't run their conduit in dumb locations. Let's admire all the colourful wiring offcut confetti they've decorated the site with!.Now the metal bits. Is there enough of it to justify hiring an engineer? Gotta check the bars are thick and make sure they're in the holes. They all seem to look pretty convincing, I reckon that's how they're meant to look.Seems like everything is as it should be. That'll make a few people happy.So that's it! Seems to have satisfied enough of the NCC to make the report look impressive.Remember to like and subscribe for more computer generated building surveyor videos by Tracy!

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