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Famous Landmarks Around the World

2024-04-28 00:00:20
Did you know that the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France was originally intended to be a temporary structure for the 1889 World's Fair? It has now become one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. Another famous landmark, the Great Wall of China, stretches over 13,000 miles and was built over several centuries to protect China from invaders. It is one of the few man-made structures visible from space. The Statue of Liberty in New York City was a gift from France in 1886 and has since become a symbol of freedom and democracy. It stands at 305 feet tall and welcomes visitors to America. In Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza is a colossal limestone statue of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human. It is believed to have been built over 4,500 years ago. The Taj Mahal in India is a stunning white marble mausoleum built in the 17th century by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his late wife. It is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. These famous landmarks are just a few examples of the diverse and incredible structures found around the globe, each with its own unique history and significance.

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