Hi kids ... It's Maryam and I'm going to explain you about mango
Mohammed Usman Shariff
Alright, kiddos, let's learn about mangoes!Yummy MangoesMangoes are these super tasty fruits that lots of people really love!Colors and Shapes of mangoThey come in all sorts of colors like yellow, orange, red, and green, and they can be big or small, round or oval. Isn't that neat?Taste of mangoesSweet and TangyWhen you eat a mango, it tastes sweet and tangy, like a yummy treat! You can eat it just like that or make cool things like smoothies and desserts with it.Good for YouMangoes aren't just delicious—they're also really good for you! They have stuff inside called vitamins A and C that help keep you healthy and strong.Where They LiveMango trees like to live in places that are warm and sunny, like tropical areas where it's always nice and hot.- Picking MangoesWhen mangoes are ripe and ready to eat, people pick them off the trees by hand so they don't get squished.Lots of TypesDid you know there are more than 1,000 different kinds of mangoes? That's a whole bunch to try and enjoy!So, the next time you see a mango, remember it's not just yummy—it's also a super cool fruit that's good for you too!