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"The Wet Hand"

2024-04-05 22:49:41
On a cold night, John walked along a dark street after a long day at work. The rain poured heavily, and the streets were completely deserted. There was no one in sight except for darkness and rain.Suddenly, John felt something strange touch his hand. He looked down and discovered that his hand was completely wet, yet there was no apparent source of water. The rain was falling away from him, and there was no nearby umbrella.John dismissed it and continued walking. But the strange thing happened again. His hand became wet once more, and this time, it was the spring rain pouring down. He stopped and looked around, but there was no explanation for this bizarre phenomenon.It kept repeating. Every time John stopped, his hand would become wet. He felt anxious and scared. Was there something supernatural causing this? Was there a ghost touching his hand?He decided to return home. Fear and tension gripped him. However, when he entered his house, closed the door, and turned on the lights, he found his hand wet again. This time, it felt icy cold.John began searching for an explanation. He read about ghost stories and malevolent spirits. Various theories crossed his mind, but there was no clear answer.Finally, he decided to seek out a renowned fortune teller. The fortune teller lived in an old house atop a distant hill. When John arrived, he found the fortune teller sitting by the fire.Welcome, John, the fortune teller said in a calm voice. You've come seeking the truth, haven't you?John nodded. Yes, I want to know why my hand keeps getting wet.The fortune teller looked at his hand and smiled. Do you know the secret? she asked. The wet hand belongs to someone else—a hand that seeks help.

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