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2024-03-19 20:42:45
Dr Nadeem NazirChapter no. 38Behavioral and Situational Models of LeadershipLeadership is a dynamic concept that encompasses various styles and approaches tailored to different situations.Two significant frameworks in understanding leadership are behavioral and situational models. Let's explore these models and their key components:### Autocratic LeadershipAutocratic leadership is characterized by centralized decision-making and minimal input from team members. In this model, leaders dictate tasks and directives without considering the opinions of their subordinates.### Democratic LeadershipDemocratic leadership promotes collaboration and inclusivity, where leaders actively seek input from team members in decision-making processes. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among employees, leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.### Laissez-faire LeadershipLaissez-faire leadership entails minimal interference from the leader, providing team members with autonomy and freedom to make decisions. While it can empower employees, it may also lead to ambiguity and lack of direction if not managed effectively.### Situational TheoriesSituational theories emphasize the importance of adapting leadership styles based on the specific context and needs of the situation. Three notable models within this framework are:Normative Leadership Model: This model categorizes decision-making styles, ranging from autocratic to consultative, based on the leader's approach to decision-making.Path-Goal Theory: This theory focuses on clarifying paths to achieve goals and removing obstacles for followers, with leaders adjusting their style based on situational factors and follower needs.Fielder’s Contingency Model: This model posits that effective leadership depends on the interaction between leader style and situational favorableness, considering factors such as leader-member relations and task structure.### Four Major Leader Behaviors1. Supportive: Leaders demonstrate empathy and concern for their team members' well-being, offering encouragement and emotional support.2. Directive: Leaders provide clear instructions and guidance, outlining expectations and closely monitoring performance.3. Participative: Leaders involve team members in decision-making processes, valuing their input and fostering collaboration.4. Achievement-oriented: Leaders set challenging goals and inspire individuals to strive for excellence, encouraging continuous improvement and innovation.In conclusion, understanding behavioral and situational models of leadership is helpful.

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