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Mun Siew Hung
2024-02-21 21:28:16
What is a fraction? A fraction is a number that represents a part of a whole. Here are some examples of fractions:list of fractionsWhat is a fraction for? Well, imagine you made a cake. Some of your friends like chocolate frosting, some of them like vanilla frosting, and some of them like coconut frosting. You decide to use all three. Split the cake into three equal parts, and frost one part chocolate, one part vanilla, and one part coconut.You can use a fraction to say how much of the cake has chocolate frosting. You can also use a fraction to say how much of the cake has vanilla frosting and how much has coconut frosting. This is just one example of a time it's helpful to use fractions.ExampleLook at the pictures of pizza. Here are some more examples of fractions.Fractions of pizza.fractions of pizzaKim's pizza is split into two equal parts. One part has pepperoni. The fraction of her pizza that has pepperoni is 1/2.Martin's pizza is split into three equal parts. Two parts have pepperoni. The fraction of his pizza that has pepperoni is 2/3.Greg's pizza is split into four equal parts. Three parts have pepperoni. The fraction of his pizza that has pepperoni is 3/4.

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