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“Welcome to our video on the core values and principles of counseling.

Aiuna Xjv
2024-09-19 01:27:31
Today, we’ll explore how these principles guide counselors in their work to support and empower clients.“First, let’s talk about confidentiality. This principle ensures that all information shared by the client remains private.”“For example, if a client shares personal details about their life, the counselor must keep this information secure and not disclose it without the client’s consent.”“Next, respect for diversity. Counselors value and respect differences in culture, ethnicity, gender, and more.”“In practice, this means being open and non-judgmental, and adapting counseling approaches to fit the client’s unique cultural context.”“Empowerment is about helping clients gain control over their own lives.”“For instance, a counselor might help a client set and achieve personal goals, boosting their confidence and self-efficacy.”“Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.”“By showing empathy, counselors create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel heard and understood.”“Non-maleficence means avoiding actions that cause harm, while beneficence involves working for the benefit of the client.”“Counselors must always act in the best interest of their clients, ensuring their well-being and safety.”“These core values and principles are the foundation of effective counseling. They guide counselors in creating a supportive, respectful, and empowering environment for their clients.”

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