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2024-06-04 14:10:27
have you ever wonder about the scientific name of some fruits you eat?this are the list of fruits with their scientific name.banana, apple, watermelon, avocado, orange, grapes, pineapple, mango, strawberry, papaya.scientific name for banana is musascientific name for Apple is malusscientific name for watermelon is CITRULLUS LANATUSscientific name for Avocado is persea Americanascientific name for orange is citrus sinesisscientific name for grapes is vitis fineferascientific name for pineapple ananas comosusscientific name for mango is MANGIFERA INDICAscientific name for strawberry FRAGARIA ANANASSAscientific name for papaya is carica papaya

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