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Hey everyone! Today, let’s talk about something super important – cyber wellness. It’s all about staying safe and balanced online.

Christian Kane Patay
2024-09-19 14:14:39
First of all, protect yourself! Be careful with your personal info, and don’t click on shady links or fall for scams. You know, like those weird ‘you’ve won a million dollars’ emails? Yeah, avoid those!so here's some cyber wellnessDigital Etiquette: Interacting with others respectfully and understanding the consequences of cyberbullying or online harassment.Digital Literacy: Being able to critically evaluate online information, differentiate between credible sources and misinformation, and use technology responsibly.Mental and Emotional Well-being: Balancing screen time, avoiding addiction to digital platforms, and being mindful of how online interactions affect emotional health.And remember, what you post matters. Be kind, no cyberbullying, and think before you share – is it true? Is it helpful? We’re all responsible for making the internet a better place.Lastly, don’t forget to unplug! Take breaks, enjoy life offline, and give your brain a rest.

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