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Landlocked Countries

2024-05-14 12:56:05
Did you know that there are 44 landlocked countries in the world? A landlocked country is one that does not have any coastline. These countries rely on their neighboring countries for access to the sea. Landlocked countries face challenges when it comes to trading and transportation. They must depend on their neighbors for access to ports and waterways, which can sometimes lead to issues and conflicts. Some well-known landlocked countries include Switzerland, Austria, and Bolivia. Despite being surrounded by land, these nations have managed to thrive and develop economies based on trade with their neighbors. Not all landlocked countries struggle, however. Countries like Switzerland have built strong economies based on banking and tourism, while countries like Mongolia have rich histories and cultures that have sustained them for centuries. Next time you look at a map, take note of the countries that are landlocked. They may not have coastlines, but they play a significant role in the global economy and politics.

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