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Why do chemical reactions need activation energy?

2024-04-16 05:50:33
Chemical reactions require a certain amount of energy to get started, known as activation energy. This extra energy is needed to break the existing chemical bonds in the reactant molecules so that new bonds can form in the products. Essentially, activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a reaction. This concept can be explained using the analogy of a hill. In order to climb a hill, you need to exert a certain amount of energy to overcome the force of gravity and reach the top. Similarly, in a chemical reaction, molecules need a push in the form of activation energy to break the bonds holding them together and reach a point where new bonds can be formed. Activation energy plays a crucial role in determining the speed and efficiency of a chemical reaction. By lowering the activation energy through the use of catalysts, for example, we can accelerate reactions and make them more economical. Understanding the concept of activation energy is essential in the field of chemical engineering, as it allows us to design processes that are both efficient and sustainable.

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