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Type 1 diabetes

2024-04-21 18:03:47
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is a condition marked by the body's immune system attacking and destroying insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin is crucial for regulating blood sugar levels, and without enough insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, leading to hyperglycemia. Although T1DM usually appears in childhood or adolescence, it can occur at any age.Causes:T1DM primarily results from an autoimmune reaction where the immune system mistakenly targets and destroys pancreatic beta cells. While the exact trigger for this response is unclear, genetic predisposition and environmental factors are thought to contribute.Symptoms:Common symptoms of T1DM include increased urination (polyuria), excessive thirst (polydipsia), excessive hunger (polyphagia), unintentional weight loss despite increased food intake, fatigue, and blurred vision due to changes in fluid levels in the eyes caused by high blood sugar.Diagnosis:Diagnosing T1DM involves various tests, including blood glucose testing, oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT), or random blood glucose tests. Additionally, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) tests provide insights into average blood sugar levels over the preceding two to three months.Treatment:Insulin Therapy: Individuals with T1DM require lifelong insulin therapy since their bodies cannot produce insulin. Treatment may involve multiple daily insulin injections or continuous insulin infusion via an insulin pump.Blood Sugar Monitoring: Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is crucial to adjust insulin doses and maintain target blood sugar levels.Dietary Management: Consistent carbohydrate intake, balanced meals, and healthy eating habits play a vital role in managing blood sugar levels.Physical Activity: Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity and helps control blood sugar levels.Education and Support: Diabetes education programs assist individuals and families in managing the condition, including insulin administration, blood sugar monitoring, and recognizing and managing episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM): CGM systems provide real-time information about blood glucose levels, facilitating timely insulin and lifestyle adjustments.Complications:T1DM can lead to short-term complications such as hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS), as well as long-term complications including cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, and foot problems. Additionally, the psychological impact of T1DM can cause emotional stress, anxiety, and depression.

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