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"Story of Fairness and Justice"

sajjal ali
2024-04-27 07:09:12
In the town of Sunnyvale, not too far away,Timmy baked a cake for the contest day.A vanilla sponge with sprinkles so bright,He hoped his cake would taste just right.With the cake in hand, to school he went,Dreaming of winning, his heart content.But as he walked through the school's big gate,He overheard something that couldn’t wait.Let’s just give the prize to the Mayor’s kid,One judge whispered, keeping their motive hid.Timmy’s heart sank, it just wasn’t fair,It’s everyone’s contest, just seemed so square.He found Mrs. Maple, and told her so,Mrs. Maple, they’ve fixed the show!Mrs. Maple nodded, understanding the deal,Let's fix this, Timmy, with honest zeal.To the principal, they went with speed,Mrs. Lin listened, agreed to lead.To be just and fair is the path we choose,Let no one unfairly win or lose.Mrs. Lin spoke firmly to the judges there,Reminded them to judge with care.Each cake on merit, please assess,Let the best baker win, nothing less.The judges tasted, noted, then spoke clear,Announced the winners for all to hear.Third goes to Lily, second to Omar,And first to Timmy, who shone like a star!Cheers erupted, the crowd was loud,Timmy felt happy, oh so proud.Not just for winning, but for doing what’s right,Standing up for justice brought him delight.From that day on, in Sunnyvale’s lands,Fairness ruled by just, honest hands.And Timmy learned in his heart to keep,Fairness makes the victory sweet.

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