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Ethan's Wonderful White Kite

sajjal ali
2024-04-28 05:09:28
In the playground of Maple Grove, under skies so clear,The children were buzzing, for Kite Festival was near.Each child brought a kite, from big ones to small,With colors and shapes, the most vibrant of all.Sarah brought a kite, shaped like a bright star,Tommy’s was a dragon, breathing fire from afar.Mia’s kite was a butterfly, delicate and light,While Ali had a falcon, ready for a swift flight.As they prepared to let their kites soar,A new boy named Ethan stood apart, unsure.He held a simple kite, plain and all white,And worried his kite wasn't quite right.The other kids noticed and began to tease,Look at Ethan’s kite, it’s sure not to please!Ethan felt sad, his heart filled with doubt,His plain little kite didn’t fit in, he thought about.Just then, kind Mia noticed his frown,And came over to show her kite, not wearing a crown.Ethan, each kite is unique, don’t you see?It’s not about dazzle, but how you fly it free!Ethan listened and gave his kite a chance,And to his surprise, it started to dance.The white kite glided with such grace and flair,All the kids watched, their eyes wide in a stare.Seeing its beauty, they all wanted to know,How Ethan’s simple kite could steal the show.He smiled and said, It’s not the glitz or the gleam,But how you love your kite, and work as a team.The children learned that day under the blue,That kindness and acceptance was the best thing to do.Each kite, no matter big, small, fancy or plain,Had its own beauty, and none were the same.From that day on, the kids flew their kites together,Through sunny days and even stormy weather.Ethan felt proud, his heart felt light,Knowing his kite was perfect, flying just right

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