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Hello, my little ones! To day we are going to hear about The adventure of Rosie

Chamila Indrajith
2024-02-26 01:35:22
Once upon a time, in a colorful garden, there lived a beautiful butterfly named Bella and a cheerful flower named Rosie. Bella and Rosie were the best of friends, and they loved spending their days together, dancing in the sunlight and playing among the petals.One bright morning, as Bella fluttered from flower to flower, she noticed that Rosie seemed a little sad. What's wrong, Rosie? Bella asked, landing gently on her petal.I wish I could fly like you, Bella, Rosie sighed. I feel stuck here in the ground.Bella smiled and said, Don't worry, Rosie. I have an idea! How about I carry you on my back, and we can explore the garden together?Rosie's eyes lit up with excitement. Really? That would be amazing!So, Bella gently lifted Rosie onto her back, and off they went on a magical adventure. They flew high above the garden, over the swaying trees and buzzing bees. Rosie laughed with joy as the wind tickled her petals, and Bella twirled and danced through the air.As they flew, they came across a pond filled with lily pads. Look, Rosie! Let's land on one of those lily pads, Bella exclaimed.They landed on a lily pad, and Rosie leaned over the edge to admire her reflection in the water. I never knew the garden could look so beautiful from up here, Rosie said, smiling.After their adventure, Bella gently landed back in the garden, and Rosie hopped off her back, feeling happier than ever. Thank you, Bella, for showing me the world from up high, Rosie said, grateful for their special adventure.From that day on, Bella and Rosie went on many more adventures together, exploring every corner of the garden and making memories that would last a lifetime. And whenever Rosie felt stuck in one place, she would remember her magical flight with Bella and feel free as a butterfly.I hope you enjoyed the story, my little friends!

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