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2024-02-25 17:02:05
Brushing Buddies[INT. BATHROOM - MORNING][Open with cheerful music playing in the background. The bathroom is bright and colorful with a step stool in front of the sink.]NARRATORGood morning, little friends! It's time for a special adventure with our brushing buddies.[Camera zooms in on a toothbrush and toothpaste tube on the sink.]NARRATOR (V.O.) (CONT'D)Meet Timmy Toothbrush and Penny Paste – our magical brushing buddies who love to keep our teeth clean and healthy.[Enter TIMMY TOOTHBRUSH and PENNY PASTE, animated toothbrush and toothpaste characters.]TIMMY TOOTHBRUSHHi, kids! I'm Timmy Toothbrush.PENNY PASTEAnd I'm Penny Paste! Today, we're going to show you how to brush your teeth and make it super fun![Timmy and Penny perform a little dance.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Step 1: Get your toothbrush and toothpaste ready.[Show the child picking up their toothbrush and squeezing a small amount of toothpaste onto it.]TIMMY TOOTHBRUSHDon't forget, just a little dab will do![Timmy and Penny nod in agreement.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Step 2: Wet your toothbrush under the water.[Show the child turning on the faucet and wetting the toothbrush.]PENNY PASTENice and wet, just like a sip of water for us![Timmy and Penny giggle.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Step 3: Brush, brush, brush![Show the child brushing their teeth in circular motions.]TIMMY TOOTHBRUSHMake sure to brush the front, back, and top of each tooth. Let's get those sparkly clean![Timmy and Penny cheer as the child brushes.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Step 4: Don't forget your tongue![Show the child gently brushing their tongue.]PENNY PASTEThat's it! A clean tongue is a happy tongue.[Timmy and Penny high-five.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Step 5: Rinse and spit![Show the child rinsing their mouth and spitting into the sink.]TIMMY TOOTHBRUSHSpit it out like a champion brusher![Timmy and Penny celebrate with confetti.]NARRATOR (V.O.)Great job! You're officially a brushing superstar![End with Timmy and Penny waving goodbye.]TIMMY TOOTHBRUSHSee you next time, little friends!PENNY PASTEBye-bye, and keep those smiles shining![Fade out with cheerful music.]

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