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At Divine Word University, Sister CAPG4 is an undergraduate student who is majoring in communication arts and international studies of Papua New Guinea

Natasha Philip
2024-04-28 02:35:21
Purpose and Rationale: The purpose of this awareness campaign is to shed light on a critical issue that affects not only our oceans but also our national security: Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing threatens the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, disrupts livelihoods, and undermines sustainable fisheries management. By raising awareness, we aim to empower individuals and communities to take action against this global challenge.Objectives:1. Educate: We want to provide accurate information about IUU fishing, its methods, and its impact on our environment and economy.2. Engage: Let’s foster conversations and engage with each other. Share your thoughts, experiences, and solutions.3. Advocate: Together, we can advocate for stronger regulations, better enforcement, and responsible fishing practices.4. Empower: By understanding IUU fishing, we empower ourselves to make informed choices and protect our oceans.Significance of IUU Impacts on National Security: IUU fishing is not just an environmental concern; it directly affects our national security. Here’s how:• Economic Stability: IUU fishing depletes fish stocks, affecting revenue and livelihoods.• Food Security: Reduced fish availability impacts nutrition and health.• Maritime Security: Encroachment by illegal vessels threatens territorial waters.• Transnational Crime: IUU fishing is linked to other criminal activities.• Resource Depletion: IUU practices weaken our resilience to climate change.

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