Create AI Video
Create AI Video


2024-05-13 12:02:59
Hello everyone, today I am here to present the automotive autopilot deployment scenario through a graphical presentation. We start with a factory that is equipped with a production system. This setup includes a constructed platform where cabinets and cloud boxes are installed, forming the basis for the autonomous driving area.In this area, LIDAR technology is configured to ensure precise navigation, supported by a comprehensive camera system that covers the entire field with 360-degree visibility, eliminating any blind spots. As the cars are produced on the production line, they are first sent to the finish hall. From there, they move into the self-driving area. During this transition, the production system sends data commands to the platform, which then transmits these to the cloud box.The cloud box, connected to the local IDC via a 5G network, utilizes AliCloud edge cloud computing to activate the automatic driving cloud control, initiating the autonomous driving process. Throughout this process, each car remains directly controlled by the cloud box and is monitored by radar to ensure operational safety. The radar system is designed with redundancy; three radars monitor each driving point to ensure continuous functionality, even if one radar fails.Furthermore, the system platform is set to alert if a pedestrian crosses into a prohibited area or if foreign objects are found on the driving surface. These alerts are also sent to the on-site personnel’s mobile phones for immediate action. Additionally, drivers are stationed on-site to manage any anomalies by moving cars to a safe area.To ensure the continuous safety and smooth operation of this project, special monitoring personnel oversee the operation through video surveillance.

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