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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hallo my name is Reisya Aini Zahronia i would like to reflection about the firstly material of ELT Material Development

Reisya Aini
2024-09-22 00:43:06
In the first meeting, we discussed about the learning contract for one semester then explained how the learning system and the midterm and final exam system. So, for the ELTMD course learning system it is divided into two, from meetings 1 - 8 the system is group discussions and presentations, then after the midterm exam we only focus on working on the final product. My lecturer explained that for the final product, the choices are course books for 5 people, journals for 2 people, digital resources for 5 people (1 phase material), videos for 1 person, student worksheets for 3 people, and from that choice we are free to choose which one. It was explained that for created materials, all materials must be in accordance with CP, KKTP, and IKTP (phase D, E). For authentic material, it is free but thematic. All teaching materials must contain collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, cognition, 21st century learning. Media must be technological, pedagogical, analogical, and must use advanced materials. Must contain concepts (theory), facts, procedures, and metacognitive. The form of reference must be a narrative discussion. For content (theory), the sequence is core, contrast, bridging, strengthen (conclusion). Facts are in the form of analogies, for example, narrative text tells a folklore, an example of a story is included in the facts. Procedure, for example generic structure, how to construct a narrative paragraph, the steps, language feature, how to construct a sentence, sentence formula built for narrative text. Metacognitive, a message, what benefits students can get when learning narrative text. The learning design can use PBL, PjBl, or DBL.

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