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Hi, welcome to Agape of Christ Bible College

Okhuoya Vivian
2024-08-25 08:46:18
Texts that aligned with the Torah and prophetic tradition were considered reliable. Anything that introduced new or contradictory teachings was excluded.Key Figures in Canonization:Ezra the Scribe:Ezra, a priest and scribe, played a significant role in gathering and teaching the sacred texts during the post-exilic period. His efforts helped solidify the Torah’s status as the foundation of Jewish life.Visual Aid: Here’s a depiction of Ezra reading the Law to the people of Israel—a moment of re-dedication to the covenant.The Council of Jamnia (circa 90 CE):While not a formal council as we might think today, the discussions at Jamnia among Jewish scholars helped affirm the books of the Hebrew Bible, particularly after the destruction of the Second Temple. By this time, the canon of the Old Testament was largely settled.Interactive Element: Consider the significance of such discussions. How do communities today decide what is authoritative or important in religious practice?Differences in Christian Old Testament:The Christian Old Testament contains the same books as the Hebrew Bible, but in a different order. Some Christian traditions, like the Catholic and Orthodox churches, include additional books known as the Deuterocanonical books.Visual Aid: Here’s a comparison chart showing the Hebrew Bible, the Protestant Old Testament, and the Catholic Old Testament. Notice the differences in content and order.Significance for Faith:Understanding the historical context and canonization of the Old Testament helps us see these texts not just as ancient literature, but as living documents that continue to shape faith and practice today.The process of canonization reminds us that the Bible we read today was formed through a complex interplay of history, culture, and divine inspiration.The Old Testament’s Influence on Western Civilization:The Old Testament has influenced Western civilization in profound ways—from legal systems and ethics to art and literature. The Ten Commandments, for example, have shaped moral and legal codes for centuries.Interactive Element: Think about how the values and teachings of the Old Testament have influenced your own life. Share an example with the group.Call to Further Study:As we continue our study of the Old Testament, keep this historical and canonical background in mind. It will enrich your understanding and appreciation of the texts we explore.Reflection Prompt: Before we close, I’d like you to consider this question: How does knowing the historical and cultural context of the Old Testament change the way you read these texts?

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