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Hi, welcome to Agape of Christ Bible College

Okhuoya Vivian
2024-08-25 08:12:51
Theological Contributions:Despite these influences, the Old Testament introduced revolutionary ideas such as ethical monotheism—worshipping one God who demands moral righteousness. This was in stark contrast to the polytheistic and often morally ambiguous religions of the neighboring cultures.Reflection Prompt: How does understanding these cultural dynamics help us read and interpret Old Testament texts today?What is Canonization?:Canonization is the process by which certain texts were recognized as sacred and authoritative. It’s important to understand that this wasn’t a quick or simple process—it took centuries for the Old Testament canon to take its final shape.Formation of the Hebrew Bible:The Torah (The Law):The Torah, or Pentateuch, consists of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books are foundational, not just because they contain laws, but because they narrate the origin of the world, the patriarchs, and the establishment of Israel as a covenant people.Interactive Element: Think about how the creation story in Genesis differs from other ancient creation myths. What does this tell us about the worldview of the Israelites?The Nevi'im (The Prophets):The Nevi'im includes historical books like Joshua and Kings, as well as prophetic books like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. These texts highlight God’s ongoing relationship with Israel, focusing on themes of justice, repentance, and hope.The prophets were seen as God’s spokespersons, often delivering difficult messages to the people and their leaders.Reflection Prompt: Consider the role of the prophet in society. How might a prophet be received today if they delivered a similar message?The Ketuvim (The Writings):The Ketuvim is a diverse collection that includes Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ruth, and Daniel, among others. These writings offer poetry, wisdom, and reflections on life’s complexities, making them deeply personal and universally relatable.Interactive Element: Let’s take a moment to read a Psalm together. What emotions or thoughts does it evoke in you?Criteria for Canonization:Divine Inspiration:For a book to be considered canonical, it had to be recognized as inspired by God. This wasn’t just about who wrote it, but whether its content was consistent with what was already known about God’s nature and will.Community Acceptance:Books that were widely accepted and used in public worship and teaching were more likely to be included. This communal validation was key to the canonization process.Consistency with Established Doctrine:Texts that aligned with the Torah and prophetic tradition were considered reliable.

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