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Hi , we are now going to present lecture 17

zezo gobara
2024-05-05 07:44:43
Strategy Evaluation, & Control emphasizes the critical importance of strategy evaluation in maintaining an organization's well-being and timely response to potential problems. The chapter outlines three basic activities for strategy evaluation: examining the underlying bases of a firm's strategy, comparing expected to actual results, and identifying and taking corrective actions. It highlights that strategy evaluation is essential to ensure that stated objectives are being achieved and emphasizes the need for both long-run and short-run focus in evaluation due to dynamic environments where key external and internal factors often change quickly.Its introduces Rumelt's criteria for evaluating strategies, emphasizing the importance of consistency, consonance, feasibility, and advantage in strategy evaluation. It discusses the need for strategies to present consistent goals and policies, align with evolving external environments, utilize available resources feasibly, and provide competitive advantage. The chapter also emphasizes the monitoring of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and provides an evaluation framework involving reviewing underlying bases, measuring firm performance, and taking corrective actions.The document highlights various tools and techniques for strategy evaluation, including monitoring organizational performance, using key financial ratios such as ROI, ROE, profit margin, and market share, and employing the balanced scorecard approach to evaluate strategies through financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning & growth. The chapter also introduces a strategy-evaluation assessment matrix to determine whether major changes have occurred in the firm's internal and external strategic positions and if the firm has progressed satisfactorily toward achieving its stated objectives. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of contingency planning and auditing as tools in strategy evaluation, ensuring preparedness for alternative plans and assessing correspondence between strategic plans and established criteria.

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