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human heart

2024-04-14 21:33:48
The wall of the left ventricle is thickest as it sends blood to allthe body parts through the aorta.• The left auricle and ventricle has the bicuspid/mitral valve.• The right auricle and ventricle has the tricuspid valve.• The 4 chambers are separated by the septum(dividing wall).• The right auricle gets deoxygenated blood via the vena cavas.• The left auricle receives oxygenated blood via the pulmonaryveins.• The right ventricle sends out deoxygenated blood via thepulmonary arteries to the lungs. This has the pulmonary valve.• The left ventricle sends out oxygenated blood via the aorta tothe body parts. This has the aortic valve.• The valves prevent the backflow of blood.• Heart rate (at rest) = 75 beats per min

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