Create AI Video
Create AI Video


Loan Bouveret
2024-08-25 21:19:39
Beach Scene: The main scene will be a beach, with sand, the sea in the background, and maybe some palm trees or umbrellas to give context.Passing in front of the camera: A character or passerby will enter the frame and pass in front of the camera. The camera can follow the movement of the passer or remain static.Hat that ends the intro: At the end of the introduction, the passerby's hat (for example, a straw hat) can be highlighted by approaching the camera, or by floating slightly in the frame to mark the end of the intro.If you want to make this animation by yourself, you could use software like Blender for 3D modeling and animation, or After Effects if you prefer a more graphic and 2D approach.If you want a model or more precise ideas on how this animation could be edited, I could give you a detailed storyboard or additional advice on the realization.

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