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Understanding Authentication and Authorization

Harshit Desai
2024-04-21 19:07:53
Jake: Hey Emeric, have you ever wondered how our digital systems keep our information safe?Emeric: Yeah, I've been curious about that. Is it all about passwords?Jake: Passwords are part of it, but there's more to it. It's called Authentication. It's like proving who you are to access something.Emeric: Ah, got it. So, like when I log into my bank account with my password?Jake: Exactly! That's Authentication. But it's not just passwords; there are other ways to prove your identity, like using fingerprints or security questions.Emeric: Cool. And what about Authorization? How's that different?Jake: Authorization comes after Authentication. It decides what you can do once you're logged in. It's like different levels of access.Emeric: Ah, like when some users can only view files, but others can edit them?Jake: Exactly! You're catching on fast, Emeric. Authorization controls who can do what in a system.Emeric: That makes sense. So, Authentication is like showing your ID to get into a club, and Authorization is like getting a VIP pass for exclusive areas.Jake: Spot on! Just like in real life, both Authentication and Authorization are vital for keeping our digital world secure.Emeric: Thanks for breaking it down, Jake. I feel like I understand it much better now.Jake: No problem, Emeric. It's essential stuff to know, especially in today's digital age.

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