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Book 5 Lesson 6 Are You One of the Customers Who Businesses Trick? 你是公司欺騙的顧客之一嗎?

2024-06-08 12:53:44
Hey, Dad. We’re backfrom the supermarket.嘿,爸。我們從超市回來了。Wow! How much did all that cost?哇!全部花了多少錢?It cost three thousand dollars in total.總共花了三千元。I thought you were just going thereto get some rice for the week.我以為你們只是去那裡買些這週需要的米。We were, but then we sawmany products that were on sale.我們是,但之後我們看到好多在特價的商品。We just couldn’t pass them up.我們就是無法放過它們。Yeah, Dad. All the clerksthere were very helpful.對啊,爸。那裡的店員全都非常熱心助人。I liked the one in the red T-shirtand with red hair.我喜歡那位穿紅色T恤跟有著紅色頭髮的店員。She gave us somefree samples to try.她給了我們一些免費的樣品試吃。They were delicious,weren’t they, Mom?它們好美味,不是嗎,媽?Yes, some of them were good.是,它們有些很好吃。That’s why we alsobought some cheese.那就是為什麼我們也買了一點起司。Hey!嘿!I’m looking throughall the things you bought,and I don’t see any rice.我正瀏覽你們買的東西,而我沒看到任何米。You’re right.你說對了。Come to think of it,I didn’t see any on the shelves.這樣一想,我在架上沒看到任何米。My guess is that you probablyweren’t looking at the bottom ones.我的猜測是你可能沒看最下面的架子。Oh, no.喔,不。Are you saying I followedthe eye level rule?你是說我遵守了視線高度規則嗎?

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