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Book 5 Lesson 3 Movies Are Made to Help People Dream 電影是被製作來幫助人們夢想

2024-06-08 12:52:40
Outside the movie theater在電影院外面Hey guys!嘿,夥伴們!What did you think about the movie?你們覺得這部電影怎麼樣?It blew me away!它讓我大為驚訝。How about you, Nick?你覺得呢,Nick?I loved it.我很愛。The movie was filled with love,and I couldn’t help butput myself in the toys’ shoes.這部電影充滿了愛,而且我忍不住站在那些玩具的立場看事情。I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。Also, it was so sad when the toyswere left and forgotten like garbage.此外,當那些玩具像垃圾一樣被留下來和被遺忘時,真的很讓人難過。It broke my heartwhen I saw that scene.當我看到那一幕時,我的心都碎了。Thank goodnessthey stayed braveand didn’t give up.謝天謝地它們保持勇敢,並未放棄。I hope there will bea Crazy Toys 6 soon.我希望Crazy Toys 6很快就會上映。I know Crazy Toys 5 is one of themost-watched movies this summer.我知道Crazy Toys 5是這個暑假最多人觀看的電影之一。All my friendsliked it except me.除了我之外,我所有的朋友很喜歡它。Why don’t you like the movie?你為何不喜歡那部電影呢?The story was boring and quite stupid.那故事既無聊又相當愚蠢。Not everything in lifehas a happy ending.生命中不是每件事都有一個快樂的結局。It’s true.沒錯。Things can get reallyugly in the real world.在真實世界裡,事情可能會變得相當醜陋。I hate to say it, butI think the movie wasonly made to make money.

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