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Simple Past Tense: The Only English Guide You Need!

2024-04-28 05:06:24
Did Oscar visit the zoo?Yes, he visited the zoo.What did Felicity eat for lunch?She ate a sandwich for lunch.Where did Oscar travel last summer?He traveled to Paris last summer.Did Felicity watch a movie?No, she didn't watch a movie.When did Oscar wake up today?He woke up at 6 a.m.What book did Felicity read?She read To Kill a Mockingbird.Did Oscar play soccer?Yes, he played soccer.What did Felicity wear to the party?She wore a red dress.Did Oscar cook dinner?No, he didn't cook dinner.Did Felicity go shopping?Yes, she went shopping.Where did Oscar park his car?He parked his car in the driveway.What did Felicity buy?She bought shoes.Did Oscar go swimming?Yes, he went swimming.Did Felicity paint a picture?No, she didn't paint a picture.What did Oscar drink?He drank orange juice.Where did Felicity spend her weekend?She spent it at home.Did Oscar write an email?Yes, he wrote an email.What time did Felicity go to sleep?She went to sleep at 10 p.m.Did Oscar take a nap?No, he didn't take a nap.Did Felicity do her homework?Yes, she did her homework.What did Oscar say to his friend?He said hello.What did Felicity put on the table?She put a vase on the table.Did Oscar enjoy the party?Yes, he enjoyed the party.Did Felicity visit her grandmother?No, she didn't visit her grandmother.Did Oscar like the food?Yes, he liked the food.What did Felicity do last night?She watched TV.Did Oscar ride a bike?No, he didn't ride a bike.Did Felicity eat breakfast?Yes, she ate breakfast.Where did Oscar put his keys?He put them on the table.Did Felicity sing at the party?No, she didn't sing.What did Oscar see at the zoo?He saw elephants.Did Felicity like the movie?Yes, she liked the movie.Where did Oscar have lunch?He had lunch at a café.Did Felicity feed the dog?Yes, she fed the dog.What did Oscar drink at the café?He drank coffee.Did Felicity have fun at the park?Yes, she had fun.Thanks for watching.

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