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2024-04-07 22:15:26
Create a video of A poor man, JOSEPH, is seen wandering through a dark forest, looking scared and lost. Suddenly, a devil, LUCIFER, appears out of nowhere, snarling and snapping at him. Joseph tries to run, but Lucifer catches up to him and starts beating him mercilessly. Joseph screams in pain as Lucifer binds his hands with chains.SCENE 2:INT. DARK FOREST - NIGHTJoseph is seen lying on the ground, still bound and beaten. He looks up at the sky and starts praying, tears streaming down his face.JOSEPH:Oh God, please help me. I beg of you, have mercy on me.Lucifer appears again, laughing at Joseph's pleas.LUCIFER:You think your God will save you? Ha! He's nowhere to be found. You're mine, and you'll stay mine forever.SCENE 3:INT. DARK FOREST - NIGHTLucifer continues to torment Joseph, beating him and mocking his cries for help. Joseph's voice grows hoarse from screaming, but he doesn't give up.JOSEPH:God, please help me! Have mercy on me!SCENE 4:INT. DARK FOREST - NIGHTJust as Lucifer is about to deliver the final blow, a bright light appears in the distance. An old grey-haired man, GABRIEL, appears, his face shining with a divine light. He walks towards Lucifer and Joseph, his eyes fixed on the devil.GABRIEL:Lucifer, you have tormented this man long enough. It is time for you to leave.Lucifer snarls and tries to attack Gabriel, but he is no match for the divine power. Gabriel raises his hand

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