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Famous Management Theorists

2024-04-22 03:47:10
Did you know that Frederick Taylor is known as the father of scientific management? His work focused on maximizing efficiency through the scientific study of work processes. Another notable figure is Peter Drucker, considered the founder of modern management. Drucker emphasized the importance of management by objectives and self-control. Elton Mayo, a pioneer in the human relations approach to management, conducted the famous Hawthorne Studies which highlighted the significance of social factors in workplace productivity. Mary Parker Follett, often referred to as the mother of modern management, was a key figure in integrating human psychology into management practices. Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer, is known for his 14 principles of management, providing a framework for organizing management activities. Max Weber, a German sociologist, introduced the concept of bureaucracy as a system of management based on rules, procedures, and hierarchy. These management theorists have greatly influenced the field of management studies and continue to shape modern management practices.

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