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Book 6 Lesson 2 Reading: What’s Your Humor Style? 你的幽默是什麼風格?

2024-06-04 19:15:44
11 stranger n. 陌生人Many children are taughtnot to talk to strangers.許多孩子被教導不要跟陌生人說話。12 neither ... nor ... 既不……也不……Neither my parents nor Iwas at home last night.我的父母和我昨晚都不在家。13 put down 貶低Stop putting yourself down.停止貶低你自己。You aren’t good at everything you do,but nobody else is, either.你不擅長你做的每件事,但其他人也不擅長。14 tidy v. 整理;收拾;adj. 整齊的Winnie spent all morningcleaning and tidying the kitchen.Winnie花了一整個早上的時間清潔及整理廚房。15 roll v.;n. 翻滾;滾動The cat was rollingthe ball across the floor.這隻貓正滾動著球橫越地板。16 hunt n.;v. 搜尋;打獵Would you like togo on a hunt?你想要參加打獵嗎?17 traffic n. 交通There’s always a lot oftraffic at this time of day.一天中的這個時候總是交通繁忙。18 lend v. 借(出)It was kind of you tolend me the money.你人真好借我錢。19 borrow v. 借(入)This is the bike I borrowedfrom my cousin.這是我跟我表姐借的腳踏車。20 God n. 上帝;神Do you believe in God?你相信上帝嗎?21 umbrella n. 雨傘It’s raining outside.外面正在下雨。Take an umbrella,or you’ll get wet.帶把傘,否則你會淋溼。22 mud n. 土;泥土When the soccer game was over,Ben was covered in mud.當足球賽結束時,Ben全身沾滿了泥土。

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