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a short video for Iyad and Nourline

HAYSEN Mohamed
2024-05-23 06:14:23
[Scene: A cozy living room with a big window showing a clear night sky with stars. The host, Luna, sits on a soft chair with a storybook.]Luna: (smiling) Hi, Iyad! Hi, Nourline! I'm Luna, and tonight, I have a magical story about our wonderful planet, Earth. Ready?[Cut to close-up of Iyad and Nourline, looking excited.]Luna: Once upon a time, two curious kids named Iyad and Nourline wondered, 'What shape is the Earth?' Their friend, Sparkle the Star, said, 'Come with me, and I'll show you!'[Scene: An animated star named Sparkle appears and takes Iyad and Nourline by the hands. They fly up into space.]Sparkle: Look back at our home, the Earth. See how it looks like a big, beautiful ball?Iyad: Wow, it's round!Nourline: Just like Sparkle said![Scene: They float closer to the Earth, seeing the curved continents and oceans.]Sparkle: Long ago, explorers like Magellan sailed around the world and proved it’s round! Just like we see now.Sparkle: If we keep walking in one direction, we'd come back to where we started because the Earth is round.[Scene: Sparkle takes out a flashlight and a small ball.]Sparkle: Imagine this flashlight is the Sun and this ball is the Earth. Watch what happens when I shine the light.[Sparkle shines the flashlight on the ball, showing one side lit and the other dark.]Sparkle: When your side faces the Sun, it's daytime. When it turns away, it's nighttime. This happens because the Earth is round!Nourline: That's so cool!Iyad: I love learning new things!Sparkle: Remember, our Earth is a wonderful, round place to live. Keep being curious![Cut back to Luna in the cozy living room, closing the storybook.]Luna: And that's how Iyad and Nourline learned the Earth is round. Sweet dreams, and keep exploring! Goodnight, Nourline! Goodnight, Iyad![Scene: Luna waves goodbye as the room dims and starsLuna: Goodnight, everyone!

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