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Rosie, a shy but speedy rabbit, hesitated to race, fearing failure, but decided to face her fears anyway

Zaibi jutt
2024-09-11 16:52:06
Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow, lived a young rabbit named Rosie. Rosie was known for her speed, but she was also quite shy. While her friends loved to race, Rosie often sat back, feeling unsure of herself. She feared she wouldn’t be fast enough to win.One day, the forest animals decided to hold a big race. All of Rosie’s friends encouraged her to join, but she hesitated. “What if I lose?” she thought. Despite her worries, Rosie decided to give it a try.The day of the race arrived, and animals from all over the forest gathered to watch. Rosie lined up next to her friends, her heart pounding. As the race began, Rosie sprinted as fast as she could. At first, she was behind, but as the race went on, she found her rhythm. Her long legs carried her swiftly through the trees and across the meadow.Near the finish line, Rosie saw a turtle struggling to keep up. Instead of rushing ahead, she slowed down and helped the turtle cross the line. Although she didn’t win the race, Rosie realized something more important: being kind was better than winning.All the animals cheered for Rosie, not because she won, but because she showed true kindness. From that day on, Rosie never doubted herself again and continued to race, knowing that winning wasn’t everything—helping others was what mattered most.

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