Create AI Video
Create AI Video

paper balls fills up a room of gold then there is fire and the fire leaves a msg and thats is Fire Studio

Fire Trying (firetobs)
2024-05-25 17:54:13
make it a 20 to 25 min video, and make that the people in the story talk so i can do a voice over later but make a subtitle when someone says something okay lets start: We start with a boy in detantion looking out the window to people playing soccer and his friend walks to him and his friend falls in love with a girl thats sitting on the bench watching the football, and when a ball almost hits her face she makes a backflip to dodge it and when she is upside down she kicks the ball so hard that a keeper and the ball went flying in the goal, then make it that they are send out when friend and him go apart he gets some strange feeling and is KO then he wakes up in a cozy chair with that girl infront of him next morning when he is home again he wakes up flying above his bed and he can later talk to the dog its vacation so he goes to that girl again and ask about it she becomes his master he becomes a overpowerd monster not really a monster but okay, he has mega powers like a sorcere and can shoot lazer beams make it so it looks like there talking but no voice over when they talk do the right subtitle. they are in collage so thats why they life in there own house. its anime style.

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