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Level Up: Own Your Future

Nswila Victoria
2024-03-13 02:44:43
Video AdScene 1: Opens with a dynamic animation simulating a video game loading screen. The text reads: Life v1.0 - College Edition.Voiceover: (Energetic, confident tone) College is like a massive open-world game. Quests, challenges, epic rewards - but there are also status effects you gotta avoid.Scene 2: Transitions to live-action shots. Students overcome academic and social challenges, showcasing skills like teamwork, focus, and resilience.Voiceover: Smoking and excessive alcohol use are like debuffs. They slow you down, mess up your focus, and make it harder to level up.Scene 3: Humorous animation depicts a character struggling with fatigue, bad decision-making, and missed deadlines due to smoking/alcohol abuse.Voiceover: Don't get stuck on a loading screen.Scene 4: Returns to live-action. Students celebrate academic achievements, engage in healthy activities, and showcase a strong sense of community.Voiceover: Choose healthy habits, the ultimate power-up. Own your future, level up your life.Final Screen: Campaign slogan with resources for quitting smoking/alcohol abuse displayed.Music: Upbeat electronic music with a gaming feel.

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