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Quiz Questions

Rohit Bhange
2024-03-22 00:26:13
The First question is1) Will the current in the bulb stop?a) When the carrier is onb) If the circuit is brokenC) When the switch is ONd) If there is a magnetic fieldyour time start now, Fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve Eleven Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One time out. Ans is option b.The Next Question is2)The SI unit of current is the ampere. What is the definition of an ampere?a) Charges are carried per minuteb) 1 coulomb of charge per second is carriedC) 2 coulomb of charge per second is carriedd) Charge per secondyour time start now, Fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve Eleven Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One time out. Ans is option b.The Next Question is3)The direction of current flow is...............a) From negative to positiveb) Positive to negativeC) BothD) None of theseyour time start now, Fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve Eleven Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One time out. Ans is option b.The Next Question is4) Electric current is considered to be the flow of .................A) Positive ChargeB) ParaelectricityC) pieces of magnetd) Money chargeyour time start now, Fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve Eleven Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One time out. Ans is option a.The Next Question is5)................An ammeter is used for this.a) To measure electric potentialb) To measure electric currentc) To measure electric field valued) To measure the velocity of an objectyour time start now, Fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve Eleven Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One time out. Ans is option b.Good.

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