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2024-08-22 09:37:00
The earliest documented usage of natural gas, was around one thousand BC. at the Oracle of Delphi, in ancient Greece, which was built near a natural gas seep, that produced a flame that was considered divine.Then in five hundred BC. The Chinese, discovered the potential to use natural gas to boil seawater for brine extraction, they used crude bamboo pipelines, to transport gas seeping from the ground, making salt production more efficient.In the early sixteen hundreds, French explorers, witnessed the indigenous Erie people of North America, igniting gas seepages around Lake Erie. This is considered one of the earliest recorded instances of natural gas use in North America.The first recorded public street lighting, powered by gas, was demonstrated in Pal Mal, London, on January the twenty eighth, eighteen oh seven.By eighteen twenty three, numerous towns and cities throughout Britain were lit by gas.In eighteen seventeen, the first gas streetlight was lit, in the American city of Baltimore. The introduction of gas street lighting was considered a major innovation at the time, providing brighter and less smoky illumination, compared to the whale oil lamps previously used.Robert Bunsen opened up new possibilities to use gas for heating and cooking. When he invented the Bunsen Burner, in eighteen eighty five.In the early nineteen hundreds, advances in welding and metallurgy allowed for more efficient long distance pipelines to be built. Advancing the spread of natural gas.

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