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2024-08-25 16:03:25
Lisa had been getting notes in her locker for weeks. At first, they were simple—just a Have a great day! or You’re awesome!—but each one made her smile. The notes were always signed Your Secret Admirer, and she couldn’t help but wonder who it could be. Whoever it was, they seemed to know just what to say to brighten her day.Lisa couldn’t keep the excitement to herself and decided to tell her best friend, Kevin. They had been friends since kindergarten, and Lisa trusted him with everything. Kevin, I’ve been getting these notes from a secret admirer, she said one day after school. Kevin smiled, but there was something different about it, something that Lisa couldn’t quite put her finger on.That’s pretty cool, Lisa. Any idea who it might be? Kevin asked, his tone light, though Lisa thought she saw a flicker of something in his eyes.I don’t know, Lisa admitted. But it’s kind of fun trying to figure it out.Days went by, and the notes kept coming, each one a little sweeter than the last. One day, tucked inside one of the notes, Lisa found a small silver charm. It was a simple design, but it looked familiar—exactly like the one Kevin had on his keychain. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized what it might mean. Could Kevin be the one leaving these notes?

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