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Here is the story of the poor boy who gets rich

2024-04-27 03:22:13
Here is the story of the poor boy who gets rich, told in scenes:Scene 1:(Raj's small, humble home. Raj, a young boy, sits on the floor, surrounded by scraps of metal and wires. His mother, exhausted, enters the room.)Mother: Raj, you need to focus on your studies, not waste time with scraps.Raj: (determined) Mother, I can make something of this. I can make a difference.Scene 2:(Raj collects scrap metal in the village, his bag full. He spots an old book lying in the trash.)Raj: (excited) What's this?Scene 3:(Raj sits under a tree, devouring the book on coding and programming. Days pass, and Raj becomes more absorbed in the book.)Scene 4:(Raj creates an app on his makeshift computer, a revolutionary solution to a local problem. Villagers gather around, impressed.)Villager 1: This is incredible, Raj!Scene 5:(A tech company representative offers Raj a briefcase full of money for the app rights.)Representative: You're a genius, Raj. We'll make you rich.Scene 6:(Raj's new office, a sleek, modern space. He sits at a desk, surrounded by his team, working on innovative projects.)Raj: (smiling) We're changing the world, one line of code at a time.Scene 7:(Raj's foundation awards scholarships to underprivileged children. Raj speaks, inspiring the crowd.)Raj: (passionately) Never give up on your dreams. You can make a difference, no matter where you come from.(The crowd erupts in applause as Raj's mother looks on, proud.)

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