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HI little boys

Dylan Alejandro Ng Vieira
2024-06-11 01:46:21
### Origins and Beliefs of HinduismIntroductionHinduism, the main religion of India and the third largest globally, deeply influences religious practices, daily life, art, and literature.OriginsHinduism has no single founder and evolved over thousands of years, starting in the Indus River valley. Influences came from Aryans and local cultures. The Vedas, ancient Sanskrit texts, are its foundation, containing hymns, prayers, and teachings. Initially known as Sanatana Dharma and Brahmanism, it involved rituals to nature deities led by Brahmins.Social StructureHinduism's teachings shaped India's social classes (varnas): Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (laborers). These evolved into a rigid caste system. Reformers like Mahatma Gandhi criticized caste discrimination, promoting equality.Beliefs About BrahmanBrahman is the eternal, all-powerful divine force in Hinduism. Hindus believe their souls (atman) are part of Brahman. Worship involves rituals in temples to honor deities and connect with Brahman.DeitiesHinduism has many deities, representing aspects of Brahman. Key gods include Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (transformer). Sacred texts like the Ramayana depict these deities' battles against evil, teaching moral lessons.DharmaDharma is duty and moral conduct essential for spiritual progress. Each social class has its own dharma, contributing to societal harmony. Common dharma includes truthfulness, nonviolence, and generosity.KarmaKarma is the law of cause and effect, where actions affect the soul's future lives. Good karma is needed to achieve moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth (samsara).

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