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hi everyone

Zahra Moslima
2024-05-27 01:39:12
these harmless microbial colonies have beneficial effects:Nutritional Role: The colon synthesizes vitamin K, acidifies colonic contents, and facilitates the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and zinc.Protein Hydrolysis: Bacterial peptidases hydrolyze endogenous proteins (from cell shedding), releasing amino acids that can be decarboxylated to produce mitogenic volatile amines, contributing to mucosal trophicity (excess may pose a cancer risk) or desaminated to produce ammonia (putrefaction).Carbohydrate Hydrolysis: Bacterial enzymes hydrolyze non-digestible carbohydrates (resistant to small intestine enzymes), fermenting them to produce intestinal gases and monosaccharides. Bacterial digestion of these monosaccharides generates short-chain fatty acids, which serve as a significant metabolic substrate for the colonic epithelium.In summary, the colon's metabolic activities involve nutrient synthesis, protein and carbohydrate hydrolysis, and the production of beneficial metabolites essential for colonic health and function.

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