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How to choose a good friend

2024-04-27 04:57:47
People often do not realize that their interpersonal choices are shaped by deeply rooted psychological patterns that may have their origins in childhood or previous life experiences. How it's working?1. Attachment theory: According to this theory, the attachment style developed in early childhood influences interpersonal relationships in adulthood. People with a secure attachment style tend to have an easier time establishing healthy relationships, while those with an avoidant or anxious attachment style may have difficulty trusting others or seek excessive closeness.2. Similarity: People gravitate towards those who are similar to them in values, beliefs, level of intelligence and appearance. This phenomenon, known as homogamy, is driven in part by a subconscious desire for comfort and predictability.3. Complementation: Sometimes people are attracted to those who possess qualities they attribute to themselves to a lesser extent. This may be a subconscious way of striving for psychological balance and supplementing one's own deficiencies.4. Exposure effect: The more often people are exposed to someone, the more likely they are to like him. This subconscious phenomenon may explain why we often develop friendships and romance in places like schools and workplaces.What are the consequences of subconsciously selecting the people closest to us?1. Repeatability of patterns: Subconscious patterns can lead to repeating the same mistakes in relationships or choosing partners who are not necessarily the best for us, but are familiar in the context of previous experiences.2. Lack of diversification: Being driven primarily by similarities can limit the exploration of diverse perspectives and experiences, which can lead to personal and social stagnation.3. Unconscious conflicts: Failure to understand one's subconscious motivations can lead to conflicts in relationships as certain needs remain unmet or misunderstood.Understanding these subconscious processes can help you develop more conscious and healthy relationships, both partnerships and friendships. Working on yourself and reflecting on your own thought and emotional patterns can open the way to a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

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