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Mystery of missing homework

Supratim Sengupta
2024-08-28 07:05:03
Scene 1: The Missing HomeworkVisual: Tommy searches his messy room.Tommy:(Panicking)Where’s my homework? I swear it was right here!Narrator:(Playfully)Tommy’s room was a disaster zone—no wonder he couldn’t find anything!Scene 2: The Blame GameVisual: Tommy glares at his dog, Max.Tommy:(Accusingly)Max, did you eat my homework?Max (the dog):(Innocently shakes his head)Narrator:(Amused)Poor Max, always blamed for Tommy’s mess!Scene 3: The Cleanup DiscoveryVisual: Tommy starts cleaning up.Tommy:(Determined)Let’s get this room in shape!Visual: He finds his homework under a pile of socks.Tommy:(Excitedly)Found it!Scene 4: The Lesson LearnedVisual: Tommy works at a clean desk.Tommy:(Content)Keeping things tidy really helps.Narrator:(Warmly)Tommy learned that a clean room saves the day!Visual: Tommy smiles, focused on his homework.

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