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In this video we will see the definition of logical fallacy,define one ,and learn how to avoid it in our daily use.

Lina Bakkali
2024-03-26 04:59:15
A logical fallacy is an argument that may sound convincing or true but is actually flawed. Logical fallacies are leaps of logic that lead us to an unsupported conclusion.One example of logical fallacy is the Bandwagon fallacy. The bandwagon fallacy is also sometimes called the appeal to common belief or appeal to the masses because it’s all about getting people to do or think something because “everyone else is doing it” or “everything else thinks this. what makes bandwagon a fallacy is that it relies on popularity rather than evidence or logic,often used to persuade through peer pressure or fear of missing out, and does not provide valid support for an argument. But Just because something is popular does not make it true, or the best option. To avoid the bandwagon fallacy you must : Evaluate arguments based on evidence and reasoning, not just popularity.Seek diverse perspectives and sources of information.Be wary of appeals to emotion or social pressure. and finallyCultivate independent thinking and are some popular examples of Bandwagon logical fallacy:+Everyone is going to get the new smart phone when it comes out this weekend. Why aren’t you?+Everybody in our family goes to Georgetown for undergrad, so it only makes sense that you do too.+It’s okay to cheat on exams because everybody does it.

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