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À quoi ça sert, ça veut dire quoi ? Moi, c'est comme ça, c'est osé.ôt, d

Ngatey Nkuy
2024-09-11 14:38:25
What's the point, what does it mean? For me, it's like that, it's daring. Who is he? One day, a question: why are parents the ones who decide everything, like going to bed early, not playing too much on the console, going to school? You feel like your parents decide everything for you. Everything is exaggerated, but your parents have rights and duties. For TLV, it's parental authority.So, what is the role of parents? They have several missions: to guarantee your safety, your health, your well-being and your education. Just that. To accomplish these missions, they decide certain things for you, like where you live, usually with them. They must also check that everything is going well at school and that you do your homework to stay healthy.Parents can limit your screen time, reduce your consumption of sweets, encourage you to wash, and ask who you hang out with and where you go. Their only goal is to protect you.Of course, parents are also there to listen to you. They must trust and respect you. Likewise, they are obliged to involve their children in decisions that concern them, according to their age and level of maturity. In short, the older you get, the more your parents ask for your opinion and give you freedom in your choices. Their responsibility is to take care of you and help you develop your personality to become an independent and fulfilled adult. You ask questions, we answer them. [Music]

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