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the story of prophet muse

2024-05-23 16:15:11
prophet Musa (as) grew up as prince the pharaohs who ruled over Egypt where very cruel towards the descendant of Yaqub the descendants were known as the children of Israail they were kept as slaves and forced to work for small wages and sometimes even for nothing the pharaoh wanted the Israelites to obey only him this way many dynasties came to Egypt and worships only his gods this way dynasties came to Egypt and they assumed that they were gods or the representatives spokesman of gods.years passed and very cruel man named phi Roun was the pharaoh now he hated the Israelites very much he punished the Israelites at every give opportunity he hated to see them multiplying and prospering in the Kingdome one night when the pharaoh was sleeping, he had a dream in his dream he saw that a huge ball of fire came from the sky and burned down the city the fire burned the houses of all Egyptians but the houses of Israelites stayed unharmed.

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