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Yani Usmita samson
2024-05-01 23:54:18
What are the differences between the main ingredients and cooking technique of both countries? Let's hear from Yakez again on this and see what he has to say about it. Additional information, Indonesians use more complex steps of cooking than Switzerland that effects the more flavourful flavourThank youCompare the living expenses in Switzerland and Indonesia. For the last time, let's hear Yakez's comparison on both countries living expenses.What are some celebration or festivals in each country? Some celebration or festivals in Switzerland are Basel Fasnacht (in February) and The Sechselāuten (in April). And some celebration or festivals in Indonesia are Mawlis Festival (in January and February) and Festival Vesak (in April and May)Now let's talk about the expenses and lets say tradition. What are some unique practices in Switzerland that is not common in Indonesia? And vice versa

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