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DID YOU KNOW? Number (1) "TIBE

Love Best
2024-05-01 09:18:00
DID YOU KNOW? Number (1) TIBETAN MASTIFF WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE DOG WORTH $1.5 MILLION. Number (2)The Snaggletooth fish, a creature that lives in the deepest part of the sea. There are luminous patches on various parts of its body that lure its prey. Number (3) The kea is the only alpine parrot in the world. Number (4) Cockroaches are so repulsed by humans that if they're touched by human, not only do they run away, but also wash themselves. Number (5) THE DEEPEST LIVING ANIMAL EVER FOUND IS A DEVIL WORM LIVING 2.2. MILES (3.6 KILOMETERS) BELOW. Number (6) When a male honey bee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies. Be well, be healthy, take care of yourself. thank you.

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