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Once upon a time in the village of Jai Nagar, there lived a girl named Aisha. She loved to explore and learn new things.

d_brown _beauty
2024-05-09 04:53:23
Once upon a time in the village of Jai Nagar, there lived a girl named Aisha. She loved to explore and learn new things. One day, Aisha learned about voting from her wise grandfather. He told her that voting was like a superpower for every citizen.Excited, Aisha decided to teach her friends about voting. Together, they explained how to sign up to vote and why it was important. They even acted out how to cast a vote on election day.As the big day approached, Aisha and her friends went around their village, telling everyone to vote. They said that even one vote could make a big difference.On election day, the village was buzzing with excitement. People of all ages lined up to vote. Aisha watched proudly as her neighbors cast their votes.When the votes were counted, the village saw some amazing changes. New schools were built, and the roads got fixed. Aisha knew that their votes had made it happen.Word spread about Jai Nagar's success, and other villages started to vote too. Aisha's story inspired kids and grown-ups everywhere to use their vote for good.And from that day on, Aisha knew that even though she was just one person, her vote could help make the world a better place.

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